Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New arrivals: A little more toaplan goodness

Another day, another three toaplan pcbs. Having to let go of so many cabs because of the move has had its benefits; I've managed to snag some nice bits in trade and had the money to buy a few bits and pieces too. I'm really looking forward to playing zero wing and hellfire; I only have a U4 as a hori cab at the moment and that's obviously MVS wired rather than straight JAMMA. For now I could only test them on a vert cab but I have an MVS > JAMMA adapter in the post. Hopefully it'll turn up very soon! Dogyuun is pretty good fun, I need to spend a bit more time with it, so far I'm liking the graphics and music and stuff but I'm not sold ont he power up mechanic. We'll see.

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